
Ellie Moore CPA

Ellie Moore, a Texas CPA, is a shareholder of DMW & Associates, PC, located in Houston, TX. DMW is a small public accounting firm that includes assistances to clients with tax, financial, accounting assistance, and consulting. After graduating from East Texas State University in 1980, Ellie began her career in public accounting in Dallas, TX. After a short stop in Seattle, WA, she moved to Houston in 1983 and calls it home.

Ellie is a member of AICPA, TXCPA, TXCPA Houston and AFWA. She joined AFWA in 1986 and has served as President, Treasurer, Secretary and most of other committees. She was 1996 Woman of Excellence by the Federation of Houston Professional Women (FHPW). Her volunteer work also includes work through her church and the community.